
The Africa Sub-Forum of the World Women University Presidents Forum Held in Harare

Source: 2012-08-19 CRI Online

CRI Online (Yang Shouhua —correspondent in Jiangsu)


With the theme of “Development, Equality and Openness”, the Africa sub-forum of the World Women University Presidents Forum (WWUPF) was held in Harare, Zimbabwe the other day. Over 120 participants attended the forum, including 30 women university presidents and scholars, and Deputy Prime Ministers from 10 countries including China, United States, New Zealand, South Africa, Nigeria, and Ghana. The Vice President of Zimbabwe Joyce Mujuru and the Deputy Prime Minister Kupe attended the opening and closing ceremonies and addressed the forum. Ma Yanjun, President of Women Talent Special Committee of China Talent Research, delivered a speech at the closing ceremony.

Sponsored by the WWUPF, the Africa sub-forum was undertaken by Zimbabwe African Women's college and Jiangsu Chinese-Foreign Women University Presidents Development Foundation. The convening of the Africa sub-forum is of worldwide significance, marking the impact of the WWUPF on all the five continents in the world. The sub-forum, consisting of keynote speeches and panels, discussed in-depth the subjects concerning education promoting the development of women, cultivating women leadership, and enhancing international cooperation among universities. Broad consensus was reached at the forum.