Women Leadership Academy

Institution Settings

  Dictated by “Temporary Terms of Administration of Non-governmental and Non-profit Organization”and the requirements of its business operation, Women Leadership Academy consists of the Council, Affairs Committee, Academic Committee, Secretariat, Academic Department and Training Department.

  With Mrs.Chen Zhili(Vice Chairwoman of the 11th NPC and Chairwoman of the 10th ACWF) as the Honorary President, and Mr.Lei Yuanliang(Former Deputy Director of SARFT) as the President, the Council is the policy-making body of the academy. Members of the Council are all eminent names from the field of education, women affairs, media and business, who are enthusiastic in promoting the public welfare of Chinese women. The Council also has a number of honorary members and guest members.

  With Mrs.Liu Jinan(Chair of the Organizing Committee of the World Women University Presidents Forum) as the chairperson and legal representative, the Affairs Committee serves as the executive body of the academy. The Academic Committee is the entity handling academic studies and consultancy with Ms.Wu Qidi,former Vice Minister of Education, as the director. Members of this committee consist of prestigious professors from the field of higher education, gender study and women leadership study.